In the meantime, let me introduce you to this month's featured EtsyBloggers team member, DizzyDragonflies!
Dizzy's specialty is hand-dyed yarn and knitted items. Let me show you some of the knitting before I get tangled up in the yarn...

Doesn't this look cozy? And pretty! I love the black and white and grays. Very classy. But if you prefer more color, check out Dizzy's shop. She has a couple of other beautiful scarves, and all just ten bucks! You know you're gonna want one next winter. Plan ahead! Snag one now!
Now, if you're a knitter/crocheter/yarn junkie, like myself, you're probably going to have a hard time getting to the bottom of the page without getting distracted by all that gorgeous hand-dyed yarn. In fact, I think I just felt a small breeze from the collective turning of heads. Careful, Knitters. You'll give yourselves whiplash.
Here. Let me show you a few of my favorites...

This vibrant beauty is called "Turn it Down a Notch," but I like it right where it is. I'm usually not fond of orange, but I have to admit it looks just beautiful here mixed in with those fiery reds. Like all of Dizzy's yarns, this one is 100% wool, so it's suitable for felting. And I think this one would look especially gorgeous that way.
Perfect Project for This Yarn: Felted bag. Or a long, fluttery scarf (makes me think of phoenix feathers).
Now, moving on to something a bit more demure...

"A Little Bad for the Girl" is the name of this one, and how appropriate. It's definitely girly with its pretty pink and soft gray. But something about the contrast is... well, a little bad. This is the girl that sneaks out of ballet class to have a smoke behind the studio.
Perfect Project for This Yarn: Fingerless gloves or armwarmers.
And last, but certainly not least:

This one is simply and evocatively entitled "Orchid" and was inspired by an actual orchid that Dizzy had blooming in her kitchen. Isn't that great? Dizzy's done such a wonderful job of capturing the colors here that I can just see that original orchid. In fact, I almost feel like this yarn ought to be used to make flowers, to bring it full circle.
Perfect Project for This Yarn: Aside from flowers, I think this would make a really lovely shawl or maybe a shrug. Something to wear in spring.
I could go on and on about these gorgeous yarns in all these beautiful colors, but my fingers would get tired eventually. So I shall stop here. Now off you go to look at the rest. Go on, now. Shoo!